Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The great epic Mahabharata represents the attempt of Vedic Brahmanism to
adjust itself to the new circumstances reflected in the process of the
aryanization (integration of Aryan beliefs, practices, and institutions)
of the various non-Aryan communities. Many diverse trends of religious
and philosophical thought have thus been synthesized in this work.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
In its philosophical views, the epic contains an early version of Samkhya
(a belief in real matter and the plurality of individual souls), which
is prior to the classical Samkhya of Ishvarakrsna, a 3rd-century philosopher.
The chapter on "Moksadharma" in Book 12 of the Mahabharata is full of such
proto-Samkhya texts. Mention is made of four main philosophical schools:
Samkhya-Yoga, taught by Kapila (a sage living before the 6th century BC);
Pancaratra, taught by Vishnu; the Vedas; and Pashupata ("Lord of Creatures"),
taught by Shiva. Belonging to the Pancaratra school, the epic basically
attempts to accommodate certain presystematic Samkhya ideas into the Bhagavata
faith. Samkhya and Yoga are sometimes put together, sometimes distinguished.
Several different schemata of the 25 principles (tattvas) of the Samkhya
are recorded. One common arrangement is that of eight productive forms
of prakrti (the unmanifest, intellect, egoism, and five fine elements:
sound, smell, form or colour, taste, and touch) and 16 modifications (five
organs of perception, five organs of action, mind, and five gross elements:
ether, earth, fire, water, and air), and purusa (man). An un-Samkhyan element
is the 26th principle: Ishvara, or the supreme Lord. One notable result
is the identification of the four living forms (vyuhas) of the Pancaratra
school with four Samkhya principles: Vasudeva with spirit, Samkarsana with
individual soul, Pradyumna with mind, and Aniruddha with the ego-sense.
Non-Samkhyan texts.
Besides the Samkhya-Yoga, which is in the foreground of the epic's
philosophical portions, there are Vedanta texts emphasizing the unity of
spirits and theistic texts emphasizing not only a personal deity but also
the doctrine of avatar (avatara), or incarnation. The Vasudeva-Krishna
cult characterizes the theistic part of the epic.
Early theories of kingship and state.
In the Shanti Parvan ("Book of Consolation," 12th book) of the Mahabharata,
there is also a notable account of the origin of kingship and of rajadharma,
or the dharma (law) of the king as king. Bhisma, who is discoursing, refers
with approval to two different theories of the origin of kingship, both
of which speak of a prior period in which there were no kings. According
to one account, this age was a time characterized by insecurity for the
weak and unlimited power for the strong; the other regards it as an age
of peace and tranquillity. The latter account contains a theory of the
fall of mankind from this ideal state, which led to a need for institutionalized
power, or kingship; the former account leads directly from the insecurity
of the prekingship era to the installation of king by the divine ruler
for the protection and the security of mankind. Kingship is thus recognized
as having a historical origin. The primary function of the king is that
of protection, and dandaniti, or the art of punishment, is subordinated
to rajadharma, or dharma of the king. Though it recognizes a quasi-divinity
of the king, the Mahabharata makes the dharma, the moral law, superior
to the king.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The "Bhagavadgita."
The Bhagavadgita ("Divine Song" or "Song of the Lord") forms a part of
Mahabharata and deserves separate consideration by virtue of its great
importance in the religious life and thought of the Hindus. Not itself
a shruti, it has, however, been accorded the status of an authoritative
text and is regarded as one of the sources of the Vedanta philosophy. At
a theoretical level, it brings together Samkhya metaphysics, Upanisadic
monism, and a devotional theism of the Krishna-Vasudeva cult. In its practical
teaching, it steers a middle course between the "path of action" of the
Vedic ritualism and the "path of renunciation" of the Upanisadic mysticism,
and it accommodates all the three major "paths" to moksa: the paths of
action (karma), devotion (bhakti), and knowledge (jnana). This synthetic
character of the work accounts for its great hold on the Hindu mind. The
Hindu tradition treats it as one homogenous work, with the status of an
Neither performance of the duties prescribed in the scriptures nor renunciation
of all action is conducive to the attainment of moksa. If the goal is freedom,
then the best path to the goal is to perform one's duties with a spirit
of nonattachment without caring for the fruits of one's actions and without
the thought of pleasure or pain, profit or loss, or victory or failure,
with a sense of equanimity and equality. The Kantian ethic of "duty for
duty's sake" seems to be the nearest Western parallel to Krishna's teaching
at this stage. But Krishna soon went beyond it, by pointing out that performance
of action with complete nonattachment requires knowledge ( jnana) of the
true nature of the self, its distinction from prakrti, or Matter (the primeval
stuff, not the world of matter perceived by the senses), with its three
component elements (sattva--i.e., tension or harmony; rajas--i.e., activity;
and tamas--i.e., inertia), and of the highest self (purusottama), whose
higher and lower aspects are Matter and finite individuals, respectively.
This knowledge of the highest self or the supreme lord, however, would
only require a devotional attitude of complete self-surrender and performance
of one's duties in the spirit of offering to him. Thus, karma-yoga (yoga
of works) is made to depend on jnana-yoga (yoga of knowledge), and the
latter is shown to lead to bhakti-yoga (yoga of devotion). Instead of looking
upon Krishna's teaching as laying down alternative ways for different persons
in accordance with their aptitudes, it would seem more logical to suppose
that he taught the essential unity and interdependence of these ways. How
one should begin is left to one's aptitude and spiritual makeup.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
In the Tipitaka (Pali: "The Three Baskets"; Sanskrit Tripitaka), collected
and compiled 300 years after the Buddha's mahaparinirvana (attainment of
Buddhahood), at the council at Pataliputra (3rd century BC), both the canonical
and philosophical doctrines of early Buddhism were codified. Abhidamma
pitaka, the last of the pitakas, has seven parts: Dhammasangani, which
gives an enumeration of dhammas, or elements of existence; Vibhanga, which
gives further analysis of the dhammas; Dhatukatha, which is a detailed
classification, following many different principles, of the elements; Puggalapanatti
??????, which gives descriptions of individual persons according to stages
of their development; Kathavatthu, which contains discussions and refutation
of other schools (of Buddhism); Yamaka, which derives its name from the
fact that it deals with pairs of questions; and Patthana, which gives an
analysis of relations among the elements.
The key notion in all this is that of the dhammas. Because Buddhist
philosophers denied any permanence, whether in outer nature or in inner
life, they felt compelled to undertake a detailed, systematic, and complete
listing and classification of the different elements that constitute both
the external world and the mental, inner life. Each of these elements,
except for the three elements that are not composed of parts (i.e., space,
or akasha, and the two cessations, Nirvana and a temporary stoppage, in
states of meditation, of the flow of passions, or apratisamkhyanivodha),
is momentary.
The primary object of this exhaustive analysis was an understanding
not so much of outer nature as of the human person (pudgala). The human
person, however, consists in material (rupa) and mental (nama) factors,
which led to an account of the various elements of matter. The primary
interest, nevertheless, is in man, who is regarded as an aggregate of various
elements. The analysis of these components, together with the underlying
denial of an eternal self, was supposed to provide the theoretical basis
for the possibility of a good life conducive to the attainment of Nirvana.
The individual person was analyzed into five aggregates (skandhas):
material form (rupa); feeling (vedana); conception (samjna); disposition
(samskara); and consciousness (vijnana). Of these, the last four constitute
the mental; the first alone is the material factor. The material is further
analyzed into 28 states, the samskara into 50 (falling into three groups:
intellectual, affectional, and volitional), and the vijnana into 89 kinds
of states of consciousness. Another principle of classification leads to
a list of 18 elements (dhatus): five sense organs, five objects of those
senses, mind, the specific object of mind, and six kinds of consciousness
(visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactual, and purely mental). A
third classification is into 12 bases (ayatanas), which is a list of six
cognitive faculties and their objects. The Buddhist analysis of matter
was in terms of sensations and sense data, to which the sense organs were
also added. The analysis of mind was also in terms of corresponding modes
of consciousness and their objects.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The history of the sutra style.
A unique feature of the development of Indian thought was the systematization
of each school of thought in the form of sutras, or extremely concise expressions,
intended to reduce the doctrines of a science or of a philosophy into a
number of memorizable aphorisms, formulas, or rules. The word sutra, originally
meaning "thread," came to mean such concise expressions. A larger work
containing such sutras also came to be called a sutra. The aid of commentaries
becomes indispensable for the understanding of the sutras, and it is not
surprising that philosophical composition took the form of commentaries
and subcommentaries. The earliest sutras, the Kalpa-sutras, however, are
not philosophical but ritualistic. These Kalpa-sutras fell into three major
parts: the Shrauta-sutras, dealing with Vedic sacrifices; the Grhya-sutras,
dealing with the ideal life of a householder; and the Dharma-sutras, dealing
with moral injunctions and prohibitions.
In the works of Panini, a Hindu grammarian, the sutra style reached
a perfection never attained before and only imperfectly approximated by
the later practitioners. The sutra literature began before the rise of
Buddhism, though the philosophical sutras all seem to have been composed
afterward. The Buddhist sutta (Pali form of the Sanskrit word sutra) differs
markedly in style and content from the Hindu sutra. The suttas are rather
didactic texts, discourses, or sermons, possibly deriving their name from
the sense in which they carry the thread of the tradition of the Buddha's
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The "Purva-mimamsa-sutras" and Shabara's commentary.
The Purva-mimamsa ("First Reflection"), or Karmamimamsa ("Study of [Ritual]
Action"), is the system that investigates the nature of Vedic injunctions.
Though this is the primary purpose of the system, this task also led to
the development of principles of scriptural interpretation and, therefore,
to theories of meaning and hermeneutics (critical interpretations). Jaimini,
who composed sutras about the 4th century BC, was critical of earlier Mimamsa
authors, particularly of one Badari, to whom is attributed the view that
the Vedic injunctions are meant to be obeyed without the expectation of
benefits for oneself. According to Jaimini, Vedic injunctions do not merely
prescribe actions but also recommend these actions as means to the attainment
of desirable goals. For both Jaimini and Shabara (3rd century), his chief
commentator, performance of the Vedic sacrifices is conducive to the attainment
of heaven; both emphasize that nothing is a duty unless it is instrumental
to happiness in the long run.
Jaimini's central concern is dharma, which is defined as the desired
object (artha), whose desirability is testified only by the injunctive
statements of the scriptures (codana-laksano). In order to substantiate
the implied thesis that what ought to be done--i.e., dharma--cannot be
decided by either perception or reasoning, Jaimini proceeds to a discussion
of the nature of ways of knowing. Because perceptual knowledge arises from
contact of the sense organs with reality that is present, dharma that is
not an existent reality but a future course of action cannot possibly be
known by sense-experience.
Reasoning based on such sense-experience is for the same reason useless.
Only injunctive statements can state what ought to be done. Commands made
by finite individuals are not reliable, because the validity of what they
say depends upon the presumption that the persons concerned are free from
those defects that render one's words dependable. Therefore, only the injunctions
contained in the scriptures--which, according to Mimamsa and the Hindu
tradition, are not composed by any finite individual (apauruseya)--are
the sources of all valid knowledge of dharma. The Mimamsa rejects the belief
that the scriptures are utterances of God. The words themselves are authoritative.
In accordance with this thesis, Jaimini developed the theory that the relation
between words and their meanings is natural (autpattikastu shabdasyarthena
sambandhah, or "the relation of word to its meaning is eternal") and not
conventional, that the primary meaning of a word is a universal (which
is also eternal), that in a sentence the principal element is the verb,
and that the principal force of the verb is that which specifically belongs
to the verb with an optative ending and which instigates a person to take
a certain course of action in order to effect the desired end.
Though this theory provided the Mimamsa with a psychological and semantic
technique for interpreting the sentences of the scriptures that are clearly
in the injunctive form, there are also other kinds of sentences: prayers,
glorifications, those referring to a thing by a name, and prohibitions.
Attempts were therefore made to show how each one of these types of sentences
bears, directly or indirectly, on the central, injunctive texts. Furthermore,
a systematic classification of the various forms of injunctions is undertaken:
those that indicate the general nature of an action, those that show the
connection of a subsidiary rite to the main course of action, those that
suggest promptness in performance of the action, and those that indicate
the right to enjoy the results to be produced by the course of action enjoined.
The commentary of Shabara elaborated on the epistemological themes of
the sutras; in particular, Shabara sought to establish the intrinsic validity
of experiences and traced the possibility of error to the presence of defects
in the ways of knowing. He also critically examined Buddhist subjective
idealism and the theory of utter emptiness of things and proved the existence
of soul as a separate entity that enjoys the results of one's actions in
this or the next life.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The "Vedanta-sutras."
Relation to the “Mimamsa-sutras”.
Along with Badari and Jaimini, Badarayana, a contemporary of Jaimini,
was the other major interpreter of Vedic thought. Just as the Mimamsa-sutra
traditions of Badari's tradition were revived by Prabhakara, a 7th-8th-century
scholar, and Jaimini's defended by Shabara and Kumarila, a 7th-8th-century
scholar, Badarayana's sutras laid the basis for the development of Vedanta
philosophy. The relation of the Vedanta-sutras to the Mimamsa-sutras, however,
is difficult to ascertain. Badarayana approves of the Mimamsa view that
the relation between words and their significations is eternal. There are,
however, clear statements of difference: according to Jaimini, for example,
the dispenser of the "fruits" of one's actions is dharma, the law of righteousness
itself, but for Badarayana it is the supreme lord, Ishvara. Often, Jaimini's
interpretation is contrasted with that of Badari; in such cases, Badarayana
sometimes supports Badari's view and sometimes regards both as defensible.
The overall difference that emerges is that whereas Jaimini lays stress
on the ritualistic parts of the Vedas, Badarayana lays stress on the philosophical
portions--i.e., the Upanisads. The former recommends the path of Vedic
injunctions, hence the ideal of karma; the latter recommends the path of
knowledge. The central concept of Jaimini's investigation is dharma--i.e.,
what ought to be done; the central theme of Badarayana's investigations
is Brahman--i.e., the absolute reality. The relationship between these
two treatises remains a matter of controversy between later commentators--Ramanuja,
a great South Indian philosopher of the 11th-12th centuries, defending
the thesis that they jointly constitute a single work with Jaimini's coming
first and Badarayana's coming after it in logical order, and Shankara,
an earlier great South Indian philosopher of the 8th-9th centuries, in
favour of the view that the two are independent of each other and possibly
also inconsistent in their central theses.
Contents and organization of the four books.
Badarayana's sutras have four books (adhyayas), each book having four
chapters (padas). The first book is concerned with the theme of samanvaya
("reconciliation"). The many conflicting statements of the scriptures are
all said to agree in converging on one central theme: the concept of Brahman,
the one absolute being from whom all beings arise, in whom they are maintained,
and into whom they return. The second book establishes avirodha ("consistency")
by showing the following:
(1) that dualism and Vaishesika atomism are neither sustainable interpretations
of the scriptures nor defensible rationally;
(2) that though consciousness cannot conceivably arise out of a nonconscious
nature, the material world could arise out of spirit;
(3) that the effect in its essence is not different from the cause;
(4) that though Brahman is all-perfect and has no want, creation is
an entirely unmotivated free act of delight (lila).
The Buddhist (Vijnanavada) view that there are no external objects
but only minds and their conceptions is refuted, as also the Buddhist doctrine
of the momentariness of all that is. The Jaina pluralism and the theism
of the Pashupatas and the Bhagavatas are also rejected. Because, according
to Vedanta, only Brahman is external, the third and the fourth chapters
of the second book undertake to show that nothing else is eternal. The
third book concerns the spiritual discipline and the various stages by
which the finite individual ( jiva) may realize his essential identity
with Brahman. The fourth and last book deals with the final result of the
modes of discipline outlined in the preceding book and distinguishes between
the results achieved by worshipping a personal Godhead and those achieved
by knowing the one Brahman. Included is some discussion of the possible
"worlds" through which the spirits travel after death, but all this discussion
is subordinate to the one dominant goal of liberation and consequent escape
from the chain of rebirth.
Variations in views.
Badarayana's sutras refer to interpreters of Vedanta before him who
were concerned with such central issues as the relation between the finite
individual ( jiva) and the absolute spirit (Brahman) and the possible bodily
existence of a liberated individual. To Ashmarthya, an early Vedanta interpreter,
is ascribed the view that the finite individual and the absolute are both
identical and different (as causes and their effects are different--a view
that seems to have been the ancestor of the later theory of Bhedabheda).
Audulomi, another pre-Badarayana Vedanta philosopher, is said to have held
the view that the finite individual becomes identical with Brahman after
going through a process of purification. Another interpreter, Kashakrtsna,
holds that the two are identical--a view that anticipates the later "unqualified
monism" of Shankara. Badarayana's own views on this issue are difficult
to ascertain: the sutras are so concise that they are capable of various
interpretations, though there are reasons to believe that Ramanuja’s is
closer to their intentions than Shankara's.
Indian Philosophy: Historical development of Indian philosophy:
The "Samkhya-karikas."
Relation to orthodoxy.
Isvarakrsna's Samkhya-karika (or "Verses on Samkhya," c. 2nd century
AD) is the oldest available Samkhya work. Ishvarakrsna describes himself
as laying down the essential teachings of Kapila as taught to Asuri and
by Asuri to Pancashikha. He refers also to Sastitantra ("Doctrine of 60
Conceptions"), the main doctrines of which he claims to have expounded
in the karikas. The Samkhya of Caraka, which is substantially the same
as is attributed to Pancashikha in the Mahabharata, is theistic and regards
the unmanifested (avyakta) as being the same as the purusa (the self).
The Mahabharata refers to three kinds of Samkhya doctrines: those that
accept 24, 25, or 26 principles, the last of which are theistic. The later
Samkhya-sutra is more sympathetic toward theism, but the karikas are atheistic,
and the traditional expositions of the Samkhya are based on this work.
The nature of the self (purusa).
According to the karikas, there are many selves, each being of the
nature of pure consciousness. The self is neither the original matter (prakrti)
nor an evolute of it. Though matter is composed of the three gunas (qualities),
the self is not; though matter, being nonintelligent, cannot discriminate,
the self is discriminating; though matter is object (visaya), the self
is not; though matter is common, the self is an individual (asamanya);
unlike matter, the self is not creative (aprasavadharmin). The existence
of selves is proved on the ground that nature exhibits an ordered arrangement
the like of which is known to be meant for another (pararthatva).
This other must be a conscious spirit. That there are many such selves
is proved on the grounds that different persons are born and die at different
times, that they do not always act simultaneously, and that they show different
qualities, aptitudes, and propensities. All selves are, however, passive
witnesses (saksin), essentially alone (kevala), neutral (madhyastha), and
not agents (akarta).
Phenomenal nature, with its distinctions of things and persons (taken
as psychophysical organisms), is regarded as an evolution out of a primitive
state of matter. This conception is based on a theory of causality known
as the satkaryavada, according to which an effect is implicitly pre-existent
in its cause prior to its production. This latter doctrine is established
on the ground that if the effect were not already existent in its cause,
then something would have to come out of nothing. The original prakrti
(primeval stuff) is the primary matrix out of which all differentiations
arose and within which they all were contained in an undistinguished manner.
Original Matter is uncaused, eternal, all-pervading, one, independent,
self-complete, and has no distinguishable parts; the things that emerge
out of this primitive matrix are, on the other hand, caused, noneternal,
limited, many, dependent, wholes composed of parts, and manifested. But
Matter, whether in its original unmanifested state or in its manifested
forms, is composed of three gunas, nondiscriminating (avivekin), object
(visaya), general, nonconscious, and yet creative.
The order in which Matter evolves is laid down as follows: prakrti,
mahat or buddhi (Intelligence), ahamkara (ego-sense), manas (mind) five
tanmatras (the sense data: colour, sound, smell, touch, and taste) five
sense organs five organs of action (tongue, hands, feet, organs of evacuation
and of reproduction), five gross elements (ether, air, light, water, and
earth). This emanation schema may be understood either as an account of
cosmic evolution or as a logical-transcendental analysis of the various
factors involved in experience or as an analysis of the concrete human
The concept of the three qualities (gunas).
A striking feature of this account is the conception of guna: nature
is said to consist of three gunas--originally in a state of equilibrium
and subsequently in varying states of mutual preponderance. The karikas
do not say much about whether the gunas are to be regarded as qualities
or as component elements. Of the three, harmony or tension (sattva) is
light (laghu), is pleasing, and is capable of manifesting others. Activity
(rajas) is dynamic, exciting, and capable of hurting. Inertia (tamas) is
characterized by heaviness, conceals, is static, and causes sadness. Man's
varying psychological responses are thus hypostatized and made into component
properties or elements of nature--an argument whose fallacy was exposed,
among others, by Shankara.
The Samkhya-karika delineates three ways of knowing (pramana): perception,
inference, and verbal testimony. Perception is defined as the application
of the sense organs to their respective objects (prativisayadhyavasaya).
Inference, which is not defined, is divided first into three kinds, and
then into two. According to the former classification, an inference is
called purvavat if it is based on past experience (such as when one, on
seeing a dark cloud, infers that it will rain); it is called shesavat when
from the presence of a certain property in one part of a thing the presence
of the same property is inferred in the rest (such as when, on finding
a drop of sea water to be saline, one infers the rest to be so); it is
called samanyato-drsta when it is used to infer what is not perceivable
(such as when one infers the movement of a star on seeing it occupy two
different positions in the firmament at different times). According to
the other classification, an inference may be either from the mark to that
of which it is the mark or in the reverse direction. Verbal testimony,
in order to be valid, must be the word of one who has authoritative knowledge.
There is, in addition to the three ways of knowing, consideration
of the modes of functioning of the sense organs. The outer senses apprehend
only the present objects, the inner senses (manas, antahkarana, and buddhi)
have the ability to apprehend all objects--past, present, and future. The
sense organs, on apprehending their objects, are said to offer them to
buddhi, or intelligence, which both makes judgments and enjoys the objects
of the senses. Buddhi is also credited with the ability to perceive the
distinction between the self and the natural components of the person.
In its ethics, the karikas manifest an intellectualism that is characteristic
of the Samkhya system. Suffering is due to ignorance of the true nature
of the self, and freedom, the highest good, can be reached through knowledge
of the distinction between the self and nature. In this state of freedom,
the self becomes indifferent to nature; it ceases to be an agent and an
enjoyer. It becomes what it in fact is, a pure witness consciousness.